Election/Assignments (Wiki: Planetech Wiki)
== Assignments of an alliance ==
Each alliance has three assignments :
* Leader: He leads the alliance. He decides which players are allowed to join the alliance or are being kicked. Furthermore he arranges the political relationships of the alliance. He acts intern and extern as a contact person and decides if political relationships (Union, Non aggression pakt, war) between his alliance and another are proclaimed.
* High Council: The High Council is next to the leader at political relationships. He is able to proclaim unions, Non-aggression-pakts and wars, too. Additionally he decides abouth the hight of the taxes.
* Fleet Commander: The Fleet Commander is responsible to command a heavy Alliancefleet by every time as possible. Therefore he designs ships for the alliancefleet and buys them by using the ressources the alliance is able to appropriate (for example from tax receipts). Furthermore The Fleet Commander has total control of the alliancefleet and is able to send it to defend an alliancemember.
== System of Election ==
In the menu [[Alliance | Alliance -> Intern]] can each member nominate a colleague (or even himself) for each of the three positions. The member who gets the most votes gets the position. It´s possible that one player holds all three positions.
To be able to vote in an alliance... and to be able to place an assignment, the [[Alliancebuildings | alliancebuilding *Alliance Election Center*]] needs to be built.
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