Production (Wiki: Planetech Wiki)
== Current Production ==
Here the current number of orders of the manufacturing facility of the actual planet can be seen. The orders are arranged in chronological order, so the units which are standing on top are built next. The orders to built can be deleted form the list by clicking on the button **Delete**.
== Productionlist ==
In the productionlist are all Designs of the own account listed, arranged according to the sort of the units. Here you can see at a glance which requirements, which costs and Constructionpoints are needed to build the unit. In the menu **Design** in the main menu the designs can be sorted as the player wants and they appear also in the **Production** - menu in the sorted way.
Every unit will be built after another is finished. But it´s possible to start several orders at once. The resulting costs of ressources are completely written off at starting an order. But even in this case one unit is built after another one.
To build units you have to enter the number of requested units into the description field on the right side and after that you have to push on the butten **Build**. When the **Production** - menu is opened new, the total number of units, which are able to built with your existing ressources, is shown.
== Dismantling Units ==
You can dismantle units in the production-menu as well. The corresponding units have to be loaded form the fleet to the planet where they shall be dismantled. By pushing **xx Dismantle**, whereas the xx are signified for a number, the type of unit can be destroyed. To complete the destruction you have to affirm aa safety question.
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