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The last great war is over. A lot of stars and planets have been destroyed. An unbelievable amount of ressources has been destroyes. The few survivors are scattered through space. Without equipment and provisions the future is unsure.
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News : Features in the New Round Features in the New Round

The new round will start on the 1st of july. What is new in this Version? The 15 minutes ticks have been changed into a more dynamic system Storage is now only in the empire Multiple players start now in a system / Protection for new players NPC planets / asteroids Battles now are calculated at once Races New layout Messages Friends Nightbonus New premium features Others Tick System The problem with the old tick system was that it took to long to update every player, planet, asteroid, fight, ... Cause of that some actions needed to be blocked. To get rid of that block and give a more fluid gameplay we changed it. The time between resource updates is now adjustable via config. The current value can be found in the game settings. In the new round we will have 15 minutes between resource updates, just like before. The time it is triggered now depends on the registration time. Cause of this the updates are made at different points in time. Storage The resource management was simplified. The only storage for resources is now in the empire. Every income from a planet or asteroid is now directly transfered the empire. You can use it for every action directly. Systems Multiple players start now in the same system, to get more interactions at the start and form bounds between players. The jumppoint in these systems is closed at the beginning to protect new players. After researching "Jump Engine Technology" the jumppoint will be opened. NPC Planets / Asteroids In every system you can find now npc planets/asteroids. These can be conquered or plundered like every other planet/asteroid. Just be aware of there defence. Battle The battle is now executed in one step. After the fleet arrives there it will......

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News : Result of last round

Result of last round

The end result of the last round:     Rang / Rank ID Name Gesamtpunkte / Total points Militärpunkte / Militarypoints Forschungspunkte / Researchpoints 1 113 Sithlord 212636139 212493124 10792   2 14 Emporer Yong 18147149 18105303 11485   3 129 Darth 8012969 7955581 5767   4 48 Glücksbärchi 824888 743018 11988   5 128 Vader 610683 587243 5381   6 265 Freelancer 371770 363848 4901   7 19 Keksmajor 95329 0 9398   8 288 MARK48 27755 18783 4025   9 1 Deathmaker 26661 9433 6114   10 341 Butcher 15013 9100 3377   11 185 Xtreme 12532 4500 2739   12 182 kehmnm 8153 3540 3320   13 235 Zayez 5380 1500 1698   14 299 Mattis 4617 0 3403   15 108 andyxx 4014 0 2651   16 12 Moridin 4002 2009 1073   17 43 Atrax 3675 1000 1781   18 2 VictorDavion 3616 2500 508   19 246 Dieterator 3329 1528 1168   20 136 maiknase 3322 1178 1294   21 57 zacharias 2967 0 2477   22 30 Shadow_Hunter 2311 1500 440   23 278 Kaiiix3 2106 1500 431   24 348 Oratho 1871 1000 481   25 16 anubes 1695 0 1127   26 241 Romahnius 1686 1000 197   27 318 Six 1568 0 1259   28 355 RStone4 1552 0 748   29 342 sonofthor 1265 0 988   30 343 SonofOdin 1264 0 987   31 344 ragnar 1208 0 931   32 26 Nostradamus 778 0 457   33 55 DarkStone 584 0 418   33 329 wilko 584 0 248   34 25 Sigma 572 0 335   35 100 Crow0220 514 500 3   36 20 Zoglet 510 0 309   37 110 Zidane95 457 0 317   38 78 Klimaigel 349 0 11   39 76......

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News : New Round New Round

we go into the next round.   The new round from Planetech starts on 01.06.2011 at 20:00 (UTC+2). A lot has changed, here is a rough list:   - Fleet actions have been combined, so that you don't have so many different screens - Integration in the Portal, so you don't have to sign up again next time - Different medals (some are unique) - Daily Login Bonus   Hope we see you again in the next round.   You can signup now under:   Cause we made a great amount of changes we can use your help. If you find an bug or have any suggestions please write them in the new Support or Feature Request System. You can also take a look on out test server, the tick currently runs every minute. Of cause the accounts can be deleted/reseted any time.   Your Team  ...

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