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sithlord (
04.02.2414: The player [6] sithlord attacks [3] McArthur at [21] Hells Kitchen
sithlord (
04.02.2414: The player [6] sithlord attacks [3] McArthur at [18] Astro 11
sithlord (
30.01.2414: The player [6] sithlord attacks [3] McArthur at [25] Dune
sithlord (
22.01.2414: The player [6] sithlord attacks at [39] Unknown
sparx1313 (
22.01.2414: [36] sparx1313 joined the universe
Channel, Channel (
22.01.2414: Alliance [5] Freie Sternenvoelker declares a non aggression pakt with [3] the dark side
GuanchenBob (
17.01.2414: The player [33] GuanchenBob attacks at [161] Unknown
GuanchenBob (
16.01.2414: The player [33] GuanchenBob attacks at [168] Unknown
sithlord (
02.01.2414: The player [6] sithlord attacks [3] McArthur at [24] Desert Hell
Morwen (
25.12.2413: The player [34] Morwen attacks at [185] Unknown
