
News : Humble Origin Bundle

Humble Origin Bundle

Currently you can get the Humble Origin Bundle which includes 8 pc games for under 5$. The package includes Dead Space, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Mirror’s Edge, Dead Space 3, Medal of Honor, Battlefield 3 und The Sims 3 + Starter Pack. Most people will find something nice. You can pay as much as you want to get the package, but if you also want Battlefile 3 and Sims 3 you have to pay more than the average. Currently it is at 4,82$. All games can be activated on Origin and downloaded via this plattform. The deal is available until 28th august 2013 on All the many they receive will go to charity!  ...

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News  The West : Celebrating the Stars and Stripes – Independence Day in The West

Celebrating the Stars and Stripes – Independence Day in The West

A new event started in "The West" to celebrate the 4th july. The player has to set everything up for the celebration including firefworks, lots of food and the Star-Spangled Banner waving in the wind. There is a special celebration page there you can help to have a great celebration....

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sithlord (
10.12.2413: The player [6] sithlord attacks at [22] Unknown
sithlord (
10.12.2413: The player [6] sithlord attacks [3] McArthur at [23] Blue Hope
Morwen (
09.12.2413: The player [34] Morwen attacks at [184] Unknown
sithlord (
05.12.2413: The player [6] sithlord attacks [3] McArthur at [9] Moon
Morwen (
02.12.2413: The player [34] Morwen attacks at [184] Unknown
sithlord (
28.11.2413: The player [6] sithlord attacks at [44] Unknown
sithlord (
22.11.2413: The player [6] sithlord attacks at [44] Unknown
sithlord (
16.11.2413: The player [6] sithlord attacks at [44] Unknown
GuanchenBob (
30.10.2413: The player [33] GuanchenBob attacks at [168] Unknown
GuanchenBob (
28.09.2413: The player [33] GuanchenBob attacks at [165] Unknown
